
Infants of mothers immunized preconception or in early pregnancy have insufficient pertussis-specific antibodies to protect against infection.

 There was no difference in GMCs for pertussis-specific IgG in maternal delivery or infant cord sera for women immunized before (n = 86) or during (n = 19) early pregnancy. Polysaccharides of antibodies was 121%-186% from mothers immunized before and during pregnancy, respectively. Estimated GMC of IgG to pertussis toxin was <5 ELISA units (EU)/mL at infant age 2 months (start of infant immunization series). More infants of mothers immunized during pregnancy had pertussis toxin levels estimated to be higher than the lower limit of quantitation of the assay (4 EU/mL) through age 2 months .Infants of mothers immunized preconception or in early pregnancy have insufficient pertussis-specific antibodies to protect against infection. Maternal immunization during the third trimester, immunization of other infant contacts, and reimmunization during subsequent pregnancies may be necessary.responder and nonresponder animals. Relationship between the course of arthritis driving force in the pathogenesis of human rheumatoid arthritis (RA). In this report, we describe the relationship between the induction of collagen arthritis and the CII-specific humoral, as well as cellular, immune response in rhesus monkeys. Ten of 14 monkeys immunized with bovine type II collagen (B-CII) developed polyarthritis. Susceptible animals showed a T cell response to B-CII; resistant animals did not. After the primary immunization, the humoral response to B-CII, as well as to rhesus monkey type II collagen, was dominated by antibodies of the IgM isotype in the susceptible animals and by antibodies of the IgG isotype in the resistant animals. Because of the close phylogenic relationship between the rhesus monkey and humans, these data contribute valuable information about the role of CII-specific immunity in the pathogenesis of human immunosorbent assay) antibody responses to pneumococcal capsular polysaccharides were measured in children who received the first dose of 14-valent pneumococcal or control (saline) vaccine at the age of 7 months and the second dose at the age of 13 months. Types 3 and 18C elicited strong antibody responses and types 14 and 19F elicited intermediate responses in all immunoglobulin classes after both doses of the vaccine. The generally poor immunogen types 6A and 23F elicited a weak antibody response mainly in the immunoglobulin M class. The antibody levels to most pneumococcal types also decreased rapidly after both injections of the 10.1097/00006454-198601000-00009. mixed vaccine against diphtheria, tetanus and whooping cough, after the mixed vaccine against diphtheria and tetanus, the live measles vaccine and oral poliovaccine, a detailed analysis was made of the case-history, and basic parameters of cellular and humoral immunity were examined. In these children the intensity of post-vaccination reactions was beyond the range of accepted criteria of mild and medium reactions or complications. In Polysucrose 400 Food additive of the children with an abnormal reaction after the mixed vaccine against diphtheria, tetanus and whooping cough a reduced IgA level was proved, while in the control group a reduced level was found only in 3.3%. 50% of the children who developed an abnormal reaction after the oral poliovaccine and the mixed vaccine against diphtheria, tetanus and whooping cough and at the same time some relative suffered from clinical signs of atopia, a reduced number of E rosettes of lymphocytes was recorded. 80% of the children who developed an abnormal reaction after the measles vaccine and some relative suffered from atopic disease, had low titres of specific antibodies against tetanic toxoid. Evidence was provided that children with certain precisely defined abnormal reactions after vaccination suffered significantly more frequently from reduced immune reactivity than children examined because of a suspected immunity defect.potential clinical applications in cardiovascular disease.with a variety of cardiovascular risk factors and environment influences. As atherosclerotic lesions progress, they manifest several features typical of chronic inflammation, such as the presence of monocyte/macrophages, T-cells and inflammatory cytokines.

Polysaccharides|Polysucrose 400 Food additive